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Type Aliases


AccessListEIP2930ValuesArray: [Uint8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8Array, AccessListUint8Array, Uint8Array?, Uint8Array?, Uint8Array?]

Uint8Array values array for an AccessListEIP2930Transaction


BigIntLike: bigint | PrefixedHexString | number | Uint8Array


CasperConfig: Record<string, unknown>


CliqueConfig: { epoch: number; period: number }

Type declaration

  • epoch: number
  • period: number


EthashConfig: Record<string, unknown>


FeeMarketEIP1559ValuesArray: [Uint8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8Array, AccessListUint8Array, Uint8Array?, Uint8Array?, Uint8Array?]

Uint8Array values array for a FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction


NestedUint8Array: (Uint8Array | NestedUint8Array)[]


PrefixedHexString: string


SignFunction: (data: string, privateKey: string) => SignResult

Type declaration

    • Parameters

      • data: string
      • privateKey: string

      Returns SignResult


SignResult: SignatureObject & { message?: string; signature: string }


SignTransactionFunction: (transaction: TxData | AccessListEIP2930TxData | FeeMarketEIP1559TxData | Record<string, unknown>) => SignTransactionResult

Type declaration


SignTransactionResult: SignatureObject & { rawTransaction: string; transactionHash: string }


SignatureObject: { messageHash: string; r: string; s: string; v: string }

Type declaration

  • messageHash: string
  • r: string
  • s: string
  • v: string


ToBytesInputTypes: PrefixedHexString | number | bigint | Uint8Array | number[] | TransformableToArray | null | undefined


TxData: { data?: Uint8ArrayLike; gasLimit?: Numbers | Uint8Array; gasPrice?: Numbers | Uint8Array | null; nonce?: Numbers | Uint8Array; r?: Numbers | Uint8Array; s?: Numbers | Uint8Array; to?: Address | Uint8Array | HexString; type?: Numbers; v?: Numbers | Uint8Array; value?: Numbers | Uint8Array }

Legacy Transaction Data

Type declaration

  • optionaldata?: Uint8ArrayLike

    This will contain the data of the message or the init of a contract.

  • optionalgasLimit?: Numbers | Uint8Array

    The transaction’s gas limit.

  • optionalgasPrice?: Numbers | Uint8Array | null

    The transaction’s gas price.

  • optionalnonce?: Numbers | Uint8Array

    The transaction’s nonce.

  • optionalr?: Numbers | Uint8Array

    EC signature parameter.

  • optionals?: Numbers | Uint8Array

    EC signature parameter.

  • optionalto?: Address | Uint8Array | HexString

    The transaction’s the address is sent to.

  • optionaltype?: Numbers

    The transaction type

  • optionalv?: Numbers | Uint8Array

    EC recovery ID.

  • optionalvalue?: Numbers | Uint8Array

    The amount of Ether sent.


TxValuesArray: Uint8Array[]

Uint8Array values array for a legacy Transaction


TypeOutputReturnType: { 0: number; 1: bigint; 2: Uint8Array; 3: PrefixedHexString }

Type declaration



Uint8ArrayLike: Uint8Array | number[] | number | bigint | PrefixedHexString



keyStoreSchema: { properties: { address: { type: string }; crypto: { properties: { cipher: { type: string }; cipherparams: { type: string }; ciphertext: { type: string }; kdf: { type: string }; kdfparams: { type: string }; mac: { type: string }; salt: { type: string } }; required: string[]; type: string }; id: { type: string }; version: { type: string } }; required: string[]; type: string } = ...

Type declaration

  • properties: { address: { type: string }; crypto: { properties: { cipher: { type: string }; cipherparams: { type: string }; ciphertext: { type: string }; kdf: { type: string }; kdfparams: { type: string }; mac: { type: string }; salt: { type: string } }; required: string[]; type: string }; id: { type: string }; version: { type: string } }
    • address: { type: string }
      • type: string
    • crypto: { properties: { cipher: { type: string }; cipherparams: { type: string }; ciphertext: { type: string }; kdf: { type: string }; kdfparams: { type: string }; mac: { type: string }; salt: { type: string } }; required: string[]; type: string }
      • properties: { cipher: { type: string }; cipherparams: { type: string }; ciphertext: { type: string }; kdf: { type: string }; kdfparams: { type: string }; mac: { type: string }; salt: { type: string } }
        • cipher: { type: string }
          • type: string
        • cipherparams: { type: string }
          • type: string
        • ciphertext: { type: string }
          • type: string
        • kdf: { type: string }
          • type: string
        • kdfparams: { type: string }
          • type: string
        • mac: { type: string }
          • type: string
        • salt: { type: string }
          • type: string
      • required: string[]
      • type: string
    • id: { type: string }
      • type: string
    • version: { type: string }
      • type: string
  • required: string[]
  • type: string